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Talk about your hotel

AFTERNOON: Check in: 1:00 p.m. - Check out: 7:00 p.m.
To come in the afternoon, simply select a night and select the reservation in the "Afternoon" rate, it is the one for the first day of the reservation that will be blocked. But you can also call us directly at 07 81 69 12 39 to make the reservation.
WEEKDAY EVENINGS: Check in: 6:00 p.m. - Check out: 10:30 a.m.
WEEKEND EVENINGS: Check in: 6:00 p.m. - Check out: 11:00 a.m.
DISTANCES• Saint Maixent l’Ecole: 13 mins• Niort, the capital of the 2 Sèvres: 25 mins• Poitiers: 55 mins• La Rochelle: 1 hour 15 mins• Bordeaux: 2 hours 20 mins
• Paris/Bordeaux motorway exit: 20 mins• Nantes: 1 hour 50 mins• Paris: 4 hours 20 mins
• Futuroscope: 48 mins• Marais Poitevin: 40 mins• Puy du Fou: 1 hour 24 mins
TO FIND USThe gîte « LES SECRETS DE WINNA » is located in a small hamlet called « la Bernerie » in the commune of Augé. You can get there by 3 different routes:- Coming from the center of Augé, by a "very" small narrow road on the right winding between the fields.- still on the road coming from the center of Augé 1 small km further, by a better developed road which takes you directly to la Bernerie then in sight of the gîte.- By the road which comes from the bottom of Saint Maixent l'Ecole.
In all cases, the GPS takes you directly and without problem to la Bernerie.
Signs for the gîte have been put in place at the different entrances to la Bernerie.
Unfortunately for reasons of architectural constraints our gîte is not accessible to people with reduced mobility.
THE DEPOSITFor any reservation, a non-collected deposit of 600 euros will be requested on the website. This is to cover any failure, damage or unpaid purchase. An invoice will be sent to you detailing the purpose of these expenses as well as photos of any damage.If damage exceeds the amount of the deposit, an additional invoice will be sent to you. This must be paid within eight days.Once the deposit is released, you will receive the regularization within 5 to 10 working days.Also provide a photocopy of an identity card which will be destroyed after your stay.
GIFT CARDSGift cards are available directly on our website. To find them, simply go to the BOOK tab and select the GIFT CARD of your choice during the week or at the WE.
You can also contact us directly on 07 81 69 12 39 to have a paper gift card for the amount you want. The gift card will then be sent to you by mail.The couple receiving the gift card can then contact us to reserve the date and possibly take additional options if they wish.
ELECTRIC CAR CHARGING STATIONA charging station for electric cars is available to you in our private and secure parking lot. (Paid option).
YOUR PRIVACY IS PRECIOUS and essential to us ... So that you have no doubt, a camera detector is available to you in the love house.
Only an outdoor camera has been installed to secure the private parking lot and the entrance to the cottage.
INTERNAL RULESThe cottage "LES SECRETS DE WINNA" is a 60 m² setting on 2 levels that can accommodate couples or more on request. The place is strictly prohibited to minors as well as pets.Throughout the duration of your stay, we obviously call on your good manners and interpersonal skills to respect the premises, as well as the equipment that we make available to you.The Love Room "LES SECRETS DE WINNA" has established a few rules so that each Client's stay goes as well as possible and that the Rented Premises retain all their charm both inside the house and outside in the garden and swimming pool (if it is made available). Thank you for respecting them.For any questions, we are of course at your disposal.In accordance with the General Conditions of Sale, compliance with these Internal Regulations is mandatory.Any breach of the provisions of these Internal Regulations engages the responsibility of the Client and may give rise to early termination of the rental contract, without compensation for the benefit of the Client.
GENERALArrivals and departures are scheduled at the times indicated at the beginning of the PRACTICAL INFORMATION.They can be done in two ways:- Either independently using a key that the Client can collect from a key box located at the entrance to the building next to the mailboxes.The code for the key box will be communicated to him the day before his arrival by email or SMS.- Or with our presence or we will welcome you with great pleasure and in all discretion.The Client keeps the key under his sole responsibility during the entire stay. Any loss will be invoiced.
When the Client leaves the premises, he will simply have to close the door and put the key back in the mailbox after closing the gate of the house.We reserve the right to enter the house in the event of non-compliance with the times to start cleaning.
INVENTORY OF FIXTURESAn inventory of fixtures will be drawn up and made available before the client's arrival.The Customer will also find within the Love Room a welcome booklet with an inventory to facilitate the occupation of the Rented Premises and the use of the accessories made available.The Customer will have up to 2 hours after entering the premises to address any observations on the inventory and inventory, by telephone, then confirmed by email or SMS. In the absence of reservations within the aforementioned period, the inventory and inventory established by the Love Room "LES SECRETS DE WINNA" will be valid.If cleaning after your departure is included in your reservation, the Customer will return the love room in a good state of maintenance upon departure. The dishes will be placed in the kitchen sink.If the return is not in a proper state of cleanliness, Customers will be charged an additional cleaning fee of 40 euros.We will systematically check all the furniture furnishing the love room and the accessories made available to the Customer upon departure.If it appears that the Customer could have damaged one of the elements, the amount of the repair or replacement of it with new will be invoiced to him as of right. If applicable, the amount invoiced will be deducted from the Customer's deposit. A photograph of the damaged element will be given to him and will constitute proof of this deterioration.
NUISANCESOur Love Room is located in the heart of a small hamlet composed of a few houses, the Customer undertakes to respect the characteristics of the Rented Premises which are intended for use of relaxation and romance.We count on your discretion and on your responsible and reasonable behavior in order to respect the tranquility of the neighborhood. This both inside and outside your accommodation (access area, small private courtyard, etc.), at all times of the day and night.In particular, no parties and/or nighttime noise will be tolerated during the stay, the Customer and his companion must avoid any noise, particularly outside between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. Any inappropriate noise will be reported to the police if necessary.An electric gate and a completely private and discreet space for your vehicle are offered to you. You will therefore be able to unload your luggage in complete peace.
For your complete information, the private outdoor spaces are equipped with video surveillance equipment for security reasons.
SUBLETTINGThe Client must occupy the premises personally and may not under any circumstances sublet, even free of charge, or assign their rental rights.
OCCUPANCYThe Love House "LES SECRETS DE WINNA" has a capacity of 2 adults.However, a special request may be made to us for the presence of one or two additional people. In the event of agreement, additional costs will be charged at the rate of 40 euros per additional person.Each person present on the premises must imperatively be part of the reservation. Access to our Love Room is therefore prohibited to people who are not part of the initial reservation.Our Love Room unfortunately does not allow access to people in wheelchairs because it does not meet the standards applicable to people with reduced mobility.
RESPECT FOR THE PREMISESThe Client agrees to respect the particularity and cleanliness of the Love Room which is a private property.In order to respect the condition of confidentiality of the facilities, the dissemination of photos or videos of the accommodation inside or outside as well as the surroundings on any media whatsoever is strictly prohibited. Any dissemination on the internet without agreement will be liable to prosecution.In addition, the occupants agree not to film or be filmed in the Love Room for professional purposes for videos, documentaries or photographs.
The place cannot be rented for professional activities or for an activity contrary to French law.
The Client must also ensure:• Adopt a reasonable consumption of electricity.• Close the doors and windows when not in the Love Room and when leaving it.• Do not waste water unnecessarily.• Do not throw anything in the toilet bowl, except toilet paper.
The Client must not make any changes to the layout of the furniture and premises.The Client must also not transport furniture, linens or any other items equipping it out of the Love Room.The use of candles is strictly prohibited, as are all flammable products or accessories.
THE LOVE ROOM IS TOTALLY NON-SMOKINGWhen a violation of this prohibition is noted inside the gîte, an amount of €50 will automatically be deducted from the deposit. Vaping is also prohibited.However, smoking or vaping is permitted outside the gîte in the garden. Ashtrays are provided for this purpose.Of course, the consumption of narcotics is prohibited.
USE OF WIFIAn internet box is provided in the gîte. It allows you to access the internet, traditional channels as well as private channels.The Customer undertakes not to use the network for purposes prohibited by law, not to send messages of a racist, pedophile, insulting or defamatory nature, and, in general, not to disseminate information that constitutes a crime or infringes on the protection of privacy.
In the event of a request from the competent authorities, "LES SECRETS DE WINNA" will transmit the contact details of the Customer who has benefited from said connection.
DAMAGE AND WORKThe Customer must allow work to be carried out in the Love Room during the rental period, if the obvious urgency does not allow it to be postponed.He must also immediately inform a representative of "LES SECRETS DE WINNA" of any damage or damage occurring in the Love Room, even if no apparent damage results.The Client will be liable for any damage or loss that occurs through his own actions or through the actions of the person accompanying him, during the enjoyment of the property, unless he proves that they occurred without his fault or that of the accompanying person.
EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES"LES SECRETS DE WINNA" wants you to feel like you are in a cocoon of well-being as soon as you arrive at the premises. For this we provide you with:• A high-end spa, a king-size shower, a massage table.• On request, in the summer and optionally, a swimming pool that can be entirely privatized but only for water activities or sunbathing....• A fully equipped kitchen.• Not forgetting the secret room, its various "furniture" and accessories...
The Client agrees to respect the instructions for using all the equipment made available to him. All rooms are equipped with adjustable lights, thus creating a warm and cocooning atmosphere.In addition, we provide you with:• Shower gel and shampoo and massage oil• Sheets, duvet, pillows,• Bath towels, slippers, hand towels. These must be placed in the spa before your departure.
Only slippers can be taken away. In the event of a failure, an amount of 30 euros per item will be deducted from the deposit.Some dresses and sexy outfits as well as pumps are also available to the lady and this free of charge.
MEALS AND CONSUMPTION ON SITEWe provide you with 1 bottle of mineral water and a bottle of Crémant or Prosecco.As an option, a hearty breakfast for two people can be offered to you.It is also possible to order a meal service to be paid for when you book on the “SECRETS DE WINNA” website.We decline all responsibility in the event of a food intolerance or allergy if this has not been brought to our attention by text or email before your arrival.Drinks and appetizers will also be offered and put on sale inside the cottage as well as naughty gadgets… You will then have to leave the amount of these on site in cash or by check in a space provided for this purpose after having completed the small associated form.
RESERVATIONSReservations are made:• Either on the “LES SECRETS DE WINNA” website in the “Reservation” tab.You must follow the reservation procedure by choosing a date on the calendar, filling out the attached form and finally paying online. Your reservation will only be final after receipt of your payment and after sending our confirmation by email.• Either on other reservation sites…
Anyone wishing to stay in the gîte “LES SECRETS DE WINNA” is required to provide their identity and age as well as that of the person(s) accompanying them. A photocopy of the identity card will therefore be requested and destroyed immediately after your stay.
All other options must be ordered directly on the site at the same time as the reservation.We are also attentive to any special requests a few days before…
CHANGESAny request to change the date must be made by email to the following address: [email protected] and confirmed by telephone.Changes are possible if they are made more than 7 days before the date initially planned for the stay.The date of receipt of your email is authentic.Changes to the stay can only be made once, the payment being definitively lost thereafter.
CANCELLATIONAny cancellation request must be made by email to the following address: [email protected] date of receipt of your email is valid. Here are our general cancellation conditions:- If booking more than 14 days from the day of cancellation: full refund will be made.- If cancellation up to 7 days before arrival: 50% refund- If cancellation less than 7 days before arrival: no refund will be made.However, a postponement may be considered, depending on the cancellation date. (Without any possibility of modification afterwards). Please contact us directly for this.
In the event of a technical problem, significant damage from a previous customer or mandatory renovations, "LES SECRETS DE WINNA" reserves the right to cancel the reservation and reimburse the full cost. For compelling reasons, this cancellation could take place without formality at the latest at the fixed time of arrival of the client.
DEPOSIT, GUARANTEEFor any reservation, a non-collected deposit of 600 euros will be requested on the website. This is to cover any failure, damage or unpaid purchase. An invoice will be sent to you detailing the object of these expenses as well as photos of any damage.If damage exceeds the amount of the deposit, an additional invoice will be sent to you. This must be paid within eight days.Once the deposit is released, you will receive the regularization within 5 to 10 working days.
INSURANCEOur Love Room is covered by the necessary and mandatory insurance in force. By booking, all persons agree to have their own personal civil liability insurance.In accordance with our General Terms and Conditions of Sale that you validated when you made your reservation, any failure to comply with one of these rules may result in: a (partial or complete) retention of your deposit and/or an immediate interruption of your stay, without notice. Our General Terms and Conditions of Sale are accessible and can be consulted at any time on our website: ""
In the event of a dispute, the competent court is the Niort court.
THANKS:LES SECRETS DE WINNA would like to thank the partners who allowed us to carry out this project and in particular:- Luciole Aménagement (Interior designer - Niort)- Christian BABIN (Photography)
- Jean Philippe TOURNOIS for the help provided in designing the website.